MyPITID for Badge Holders

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the new system be used for?

The IDMS system will manage all badge applications, including new, renewal and replacement badges. The system will also support requests for vehicle passes, visitor passes, escort passes, and key requests. Your Authorized Signatory will continue to approve all requests.

How do I renew my badge in the new system?

The MyPITID system will send you an email to remind you when it’s time to renew your badge. Your Authorized Signatory will start the renewal application, and you will receive an email with a link to the online portal where you can complete your badge renewal application.

How will I get access to the new system?

Access to the system will require a one-time registration and account activation using your work or personal email address. You will be assigned a User ID and will self-select your password.

What if I don't have an email account?

An email address is required to establish your unique identity in the system. If you do not have an email account, your Authorized Signatory will work with you to set up an email account which can be used. The process is simple and takes just a few minutes to complete.

Will there be training on the new system for badge holders?

Badge Holders will not be required to take formal training. The system is user-friendly, and applications are simple to complete. However, system tutorials and reference guides will be available with step-by-step instructions.

Will I still need to take SIDA training every year?

Yes, annual SIDA training is a TSA mandate for all badge holders. However, SIDA training for badge renewals will now be a shorter refresh training module, taken in the Access/ID Office within 30 days of your badge expiry.

Are there any changes to the drivers training?

Annual Movement or Non-Movement Driver’s computer-based training will still be required to be completed in the month prior to your badge expiry/birthday month. The system will automatically enroll you in your learning course at the appropriate time.

Where can I get help if I don't know what to do?

Quick Reference Guides will be available on our website, and your Authorized Signatory will continue to provide your first line of support. If you still need help, simply email

How are we deciding who gets new badges first? Can I request a new badge before being notified?

In order to manage the new badge rollout in the most efficient manner, badge holders will be notified when and where to come to receive their new badge. Those whose badges expire within the first three months after the new system is live will follow the standard badge renewal process to receive their new badge. Everyone else will receive a notification with detailed instructions.

Will I have access to the same PIT locations that I currently have?

For most badge holders, your access will not change. Any access changes will be driven by the need to make our airport more secure and will be discussed with managers and Authorized Signatories prior to making the change. You will always have access that meets your operational need for the work you perform.

What do I do if my new badge doesn’t give me access to where I want to go, has the wrong icon etc.?

You will continue to work with your Authorized Signatory if you need different door/gate accesses or permissions. Your Authorized Signatory will be able to submit an access change request through the new system portal.

How do I add or eliminate access to different parts of the airport that I need on my badge?

Access to different areas of the airport is controlled by your badge type. If you have an operational need to change your badge type, work with your Authorized Signatory to submit a request in the new system portal.